The World of Tered as a Hard, Physical Object.
C o n t e n t s
The World as a Hard, Physical Object
In my Ontology, which I call Bimensional Analysis, "reality" is four dimensional. Our
human minds can only perceive the world in three dimensions, so each person creates their own
private 3-d ontology, that is an "elevation", "section" (Architectural terms) or view of the larger
whole. Some of these coincide with one of the eight orthogonal projections of 4-d onto 3-d that
make up the structure of this THIC WWWeb Site. The ontology of science was adopted by
the ancient Stoics and became the foundation of Roman Republicanism as against the
Democracy taught in the Academy and practised in ancient Athens. We all still suffer from the
bureaucratic traditions that still permeate our Government services, patterned on the Vatical
Bureaucracy, a relic of its Imperial Roman origins.
Just as a 4-d tesseract can be seen from
four pairs of opposite cubic views, so a cube can be seen from three pairs of opposite square
views. In this hard, 3-d world, ruled by the Laws of Physics, there are three disciplines that seem
to describe the world in its own way, and all are necessary to describe the world. These are The
Law, Medicine, and Economics. The opposite paradigms, ontologies, hegemonies (call them
what you wish) to these must include the Media, traditionally called "the fourth Estate", and the
"Labour Movement", which must be acknowledged as a separate and significant perspective on
existence; the way I see this opposite what I have called "the Economy" is really to see "Free
Enterprise Economic Theory" on one side, and not merely Marxist Economics on the other, but
the entire Socialist/Feminist ideology, of which left-wing Socio-Economics is a sub-set. The
2-d bimension could be the most controversial, but may be where most people enter my
structure. As this is the physical world, the main perspective all of us have of it is through our
own physical bodies. But these are in two varieties, and it might be realistic to include "secret
women's business" and "secret men's business" as the pair of opposite views, with Medical
Science and Engineering being the main manifestations of the latter, while the former remains
a mystery to me, a mere male. However, I believe equal status should be given to some uniquely
feminine perspective of the real world, that might be partially body-centred but may also
include some form of social engineering, equivalent to the different branches of material
engineering that remain the favoured domain of men.
A Partial Critique of Science
Science fails badly on two counts -
The argument is put forward (for example by Cigarette and chemical companies) that the
dangers of their
products has not been proved beyond question. This argument has the support of "Science",
and is logically not incorrect. However, this is a standard of proof that is not required
in normal life. Many things may well be dangerous, but have not yet been proved so.
- The historical validity of religious teachings have been discredited by science, without any
real basis. Just because there are no clear, archeological remains that precisely duplicate Biblical
tradition, it is dismissed. The argument is: if it is not proved, it did not or does not exist. This
is blatantly false in at least some cases, and Science is discredited by this stance.
You are in the hard, dead world of "modern Science". It is a three dimensional world that obeys
all the laws of Physics, contains everything "known" to science, and undeniably exists. It is not
an alternative to those who speak about "alternatives" but one of many aspects of the
No matter what my dear Sceptic friends say, they all have an inner world, and all
inhabit a diversity of living environments, and neither of these are explicable to Science; look at
the absurdities in "Cognitive Science" and the equally hopeless grasping of the
Phenomenologist. Everyone has been a child, and some become mature adults, but to Science,
childhood is an aberration to be quickly passed through and although a fair number do manage
adulthood, the number of single men in Mensa, the archetypal male/androgenous nerd, the lone,
"mad Scientist" all speak of the isolation of these people from their adjoining realities. How less
likely are they to ever experience beauty, the antithesis of logic.Perhaps in this cell more than
the others, my extra pair of "in" and "out" need further explanation, but I shall refrain on the
basis that to find out for oneself leads to true knowledge but to be told only leads to knowing
that knowledge exists. There are true secrets, that will always be hidden to science.
Some problems with this limited view of life.
- The Stoics rule! The Government is Crazy.
- Physicians study dead bodies. Like their almost name-sakes,
physicists, they believe the body is a dead thing that can be reduced, studied in parts and
reassembled. They have no understanding of the living cells that inhabit the things they
investigate. By the time a corpse is dissected, it is drained of the tiny sacks of water, that are what
living cells really are.
- The Law becomes a set of hollow rules, administered by autocrats
and technocrats and robots, and becomes the thing that people serve, instead of the aid to polite
society that it is intended to be.
- Education becomes an indoctrination, instead of the "drawing
out" that the root "educt" suggests.
- If you are in the top one percentile in intelligence, you might be interested in Mensa. It is a Social Club for those who think fast.
- Numbers is what we become reduced to
My Alone Poem
Alone within my inner mind I sit,
While round me is a world I see and feel
And smell and taste, and which I know is real,
But in which I don't ever seem to fit.
Some foods I eat and love, you think are shit,
And for me, your food would not be a meal,
But its not food that prompts this little schpiel,
But thoughts I should retain, bit I'll not quit.
The Social Engineers who rule the State
Have made a world for us that is not true:
The world is fractal, "real" lines are not straight.
The world we share, the world that's made by you,
Is not my inner world! So, its my fate:
To live within a world no others knew.
Norman F - Pollack
May, 1999
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