We live in a succession of concentric environments. We each have a room of our own (or
should have, according to Virginia Wolfe) with four walls, floor and ceiling, though perhaps we
share it with a sibling, spouse or a whole extended family. Even within
that we each have a bed each night, and round our room might be a house. Each of us is part
of a family, and a species, as well as being part of an ecosystem. Sadly, most people don't
seem sensitive to being part of their local ecosystem. These are all our environments.
In some of these Nature might live
freely. All of this is happening within this gravity system we call our planet
Earth, really just a huge drop of molten iron. And our planet is itself part of a greater, spinning system, that
spins yet again in harmony with something larger. Yet all this multiplicity of worlds is not the totality of all that
exists. Besides the totality of everything that exists in the "real world", there is the inner world of mind.